We are happy to share that the next round of Volunteering Wales Main Grant Scheme has been approved and will be open to applications from Monday 28 February 2022.
As you will see funding is available for not-for-profit organisations proposing projects up to two years, for up to £25k per annum. All projects over 1 year will be reviewed at the end of year 1 by the Grant Support team and the Volunteering Wales Panel. Based on this review and availability of funding, it will determine if the project continues into year 2. There will be £850k to award per annum for these main grants.
The aims of the scheme are unchanged:
- Increase volunteer engagement and satisfaction by removing barriers to volunteering for people of all ages and from all parts of society.
- Support the creation and development of high quality and positive volunteering opportunities in Wales.
- Promote changes in beneficiary organisations to embed volunteering into their culture eg obtaining the Investing in Volunteers Award.
Click here for guidance for applicants and the project profile guidance: Project Profile Guidance for Applicants.
Click here for the newly developed internal guidance on safeguarding policies, which you may wish to use with groups you support: VWG Main Guidance.
Any organisations whose policies are flagged as red will need to make immediate improvements before referral to panel. We are directing organisations to the knowledge hub resources https://thirdsectorsupport.wales/resources/safeguarding-policy-guidance/
To apply please visit https://map.wcva.cymru
The Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant round will be launched later on this year.