We believe that all our members, partners, visitors, staff and volunteers are entitled to respect and parity of esteem, and to work in a welcoming, safe and non-threatening environment.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
C3SC's Equality and Diversity Statement
Cardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC) confirms our commitment to Equal Opportunities in all our activities. This commitment will be demonstrated through active promotion of our Equalities policy and related policies and procedures.
We are committed to –
Promoting equality of opportunity: C3SC is committed to taking positive steps to promote and sustain equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion amongst its staff, trustees, and volunteers, and to providing a supportive environment for everyone in the team and the community we serve.
Celebrating and valuing diversity: C3SC supports inclusion and recognises that every person is unique. We value and celebrate people’s similarities and differences in background, characteristics, culture, language, and expression.
Eliminating unlawful direct and indirect discrimination: C3SC believes that all forms of prejudice and discrimination are unacceptable and will take positive steps to tackle and remove conditions which place people at a disadvantage.

Equalities Impact Assessment
Get Our Equality and Diversity Policy
A copy of the C3SC Equality Objectives and Action Plan can be found here, or obtained by calling 07973 725 335.