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Side by Side Grant Scheme opens

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Mind Cymru are working in partnership with Diverse Cymru to give out a small grants to community groups, led by and for people from Black, Asian, and Minoritised backgrounds and young people (aged 18-25).

We are looking to fund groups that meet the following criteria.

  • Groups meet in the community to support each other’s wellbeing
  • Based in Wales
  • Groups are led by and for people from Black, Asian, and minoritised ethnic communities or young people (aged 18-25)

We are looking to fund groups based in the community to carry on doing what you already do, or for new activities or work.

You can apply for up to £500 for things that you need to run your group.

This could be:

  • Resources for your group
  • Venue hire
  • Training for your group
  • Equipment
  • Guest speakers
  • Food and refreshments
  • Marketing materials, such as leaflets or posters

You will need to spend the money in 6 months, by the end of September 2022.

To apply please download and fill in this short application form: Side by Side Cymru – Application Form

Please read this information sheet before you apply: Side by Side Cymru – Information Sheet

Please send your application by email to:

We will share your application with the grant panel and Mind Cymru. We will only contact you about your grant.

Deadline for applications: 15th March 2022

You will hear about your grant application by 22nd March 2022.

If you would like help completing your application, please get in touch with Liam at

Tags: 18-25, BAME, Diverse Cymru, Mind Cymru, Side by Side Grant Scheme, Young People
Volunteering Wales Main Grant 2022-25
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