Building Stronger Communities Together

We provide specialist advice, support, and information to local third sector organisations on issues that affect them, including funding, governance, volunteering and participation.

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Cardiff Third Sector Council (C3SC) serves as the County Voluntary Council (CVC) for Cardiff, providing infrastructure support to the city’s third sector. It facilitates representation in strategic partnerships, like the Cardiff Partnership Board, and channels policy information to ensure decision-makers understand third sector needs in Cardiff.

Our Impact in Numbers

Funding Supported
Networks, Training & Events
Participants at Training and Events
Volunteers Supported
Total enquiries

Are you interested in volunteering or recruiting volunteers?

The Centre acts as a central hub where anyone in Cardiff can find out about volunteering opportunities. We help people who want to volunteer and organisations recruiting volunteers to find the right opportunities.

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News and stories

Community Pathways: Substance Misuses Project

C3SC has been awarded funding by the Regional Partnership Board to engage with community groups and organisations across Cardiff that are supporting people dealing with substance misuse.  We are particularly…
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