Useful resources
Cardiff and Vale UHB family psychology, neurodevelopmental and children’s occupational therapy teams have put together a guide for parents and carers to support children with learning disabilities or autism while practicing social distancing and self-isolation.
Cardiff Council have put together some useful advice to keep volunteers and members of the public safe as communities look to support each other during the Covid-19 outbreak
Older People’s Commissioner for Wales has created an information hub to connect older people and their families to the latest information, advice and guidance relating to Covid-19
Care Inspectorate Wales have a dedicated information area on their website where you can find links to Welsh Government guidance and their statements all in one place.
Arts Council of Wales have a dedicated page to respond to Covid-19 for cultural organisations
DWP PIP there has been a suspension of reviews and reassessments due to Covid-19
Learning Disability Wales are providing information, support and guidance to those who need it. They have a dedicated Covid-19 information page, including many easy read resources