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An opportunity to have your say – Investing in Volunteers Essentials

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An opportunity to have your say – Investing in Volunteers Essentials

We are writing to you on behalf of Ideas to Impact to offer you an opportunity to let us know what you think. Ideas to Impact would love to hear your thoughts about a new tool to support positive volunteering experiences and effective management, Investing in Volunteers Essentials.

We appreciate that some of you might be part of smaller organisation or groups who are not able to fund an Investing in Volunteers journey at present we would like to see how a new free volunteering health check tool could work to support your practice. 

Useful background information

The four Investing in Volunteers country leads from NCVO, Volunteer Now, Volunteer Scotland and Wales Council for Voluntary Action are working with Ideas to Impact to consult on future developments of Investing in Volunteers (IiV) and a new standard for 2020.  The first stage of the consultation has involved reviewing and reshaping the main Investing in Volunteers standard, which is now being tested in more detail. This reshape will update the language to ensure it is inclusive and applicable to a wider range of organisations and volunteering groups and incorporate the findings from recent research on volunteers’ experiences.

An opportunity to have your say – Investing in Volunteers Essentials


Ideas to Impact are now consulting on IiV Essentials, which will be a free diagnostic tool to help your organisation or group to think about best practice in relation to how you involve volunteers, whether or not you are interested in completing the full UK-wide IiV quality standard development journey in the future. IiV Essentials will help you to consider if you have in place the best approaches for  effectively and meaningfully involving volunteers, and where there are areas that you might improve or develop.


 There are two main ways to get involved:


  • Have a go at filling in IiV Essentials for your organisation and give us your thoughts – – the survey will close on Monday 16 September.  You can request a copy of your answers so that you can use them for your future development.
  • Attend one of our online workshops to give us your views in more detail (you will need to have completed the diagnostic tool using the link above to familiarise yourself with IiV Essentials):



The consultation is aimed at organisations or groups that involve volunteers but do not hold the Investing in Volunteers standard.


For more information please see the website or contact Marlen Tallett, Ideas to Impact,


Cyfle i ddweud eich dweud  – Hanfodion Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr

Ysgrifennwn atoch ar ran Ideas to Impact i roi cyfle i chi fynegi eich barn. Hoffai Ideas to Impact glywed eich barn am yr offeryn newydd i gefnogi profiadau gwirfoddoli cadarnhaol a rheoli effeithlon, Hanfodion Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr.

Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi bod rhai ohonoch efallai’n rhan o sefydliadau neu grwpiau llai nad ydynt yn gallu ariannu’r daith tuag at Fuddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr ar hyn o bryd, a hoffem weld sut y gallai’r offeryn gwirio iechyd gwirfoddoli am ddim newydd weithio i gefnogi eich gwaith. 

Gwybodaeth gefndir ddefnyddiol

Mae’r pedwar arweinwyr gwlad Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr o NCVO, Volunteer Now, Volunteer Scotland a Chyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru yn cydweithio gydag Ideas to Impact i gynghori ar ddatblygiadau’r dyfodol ar gyfer Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr (IiV) a safon newydd ar gyfer 2020.  Mae cam cyntaf yr ymgynghoriad wedi cynnwys adolygu ac ail-lunio’r brif safon Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr, sy’n cael ei threialu ar hyn o bryd mewn mwy o fanylder. Bydd yr ail-lunio hwn yn diweddaru’r iaith i sicrhau ei bod yn gynhwysol acyn berthnasol i ystod ehangach o sefydliadau a grwpiau gwirfoddol, ac yn cynnwys canfyddiadau o waith ymchwil diweddar i brofiadau gwirfoddolwyr.

Cyfle i ddweud eich dweud – Hanfodion Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr


Mae Ideas to Impact yn cynnal ymgynghoriad ar Hanfodion Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr ar hyn o bryd, sef offeryn diagnostig am ddim i gynorthwyo eich sefydliad neu grŵp i feddwl am yr arferion gorau mewn perthynas â’r ffordd yr ydych yn cynnwys gwirfoddolwyr, boed gennych ddiddordeb mewn cwblhau’r daithi i ddatblygu safon ansawdd Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr ledled y DU yn y dyfodol ai peidio. Bydd Hanfodion Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr yn eich cynorthwyo i ystyried a yw’r dulliau gorau ar waith gennych er mwyn cynnwys gwirfoddolwyr yn effeithiol ac ystyrlon, a lle y gallech wella neu ddatblygu.


 Mae dwy brif ffordd i gymryd rhan:


  • Rhowch gynnig ar lenwi Hanfodion Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr i’ch sefydliad a gyrrwch eich sylwadau atom – – bydd yr arolwg yn cau  Ddydd Llun 16 Medi.  Gallwch ofyn am gopi o’ch atebion i’w defnyddio ar gyfer eich datblygiad yn y dyfodol.


  • Mynychu un o’n gweithdai ar-lein i ddweud eich barn mewn mwy o fanylder (bydd yn rhaid i chi gwblhau’r offeryn diagnostig drwy ddefnyddio’r ddolen uchod i ymgyfarwyddo â Hanfodion Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr):



Anelir yr ymgynghoriad hwn at sefydliadau neu grwpiau sy’n ymwneud â gwirfoddolwyr ond nad ydynt wedi ennill y safon Buddsoddi mewn Gwirfoddolwyr.


Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i’r wefan cysylltwch â Marlen Tallett, Ideas to Impact,


Ymgynghoriad ar strategaeth y gweithlu / Consultation on the workforce strategy
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