The Wales Civil Society Forum on Brexit has circulated the message below to the sector recently and has asked us to share it with you because the project understands Brexit is one of your influencing priorities.
No deal Brexit open Letter to PM Cymraeg
No deal Brexit open letter to PM English
The open letter, which is open to signatures from organisations, has been drafted to support the sector across the UK in expressing concern in a Brexit neutral fashion that leaving the EU without an agreement is not in the interests of the third sector and its beneficiaries.
If your organisation would like to be a signatory, please send the following to Charles Whitmore by 6 pm Friday 23rd August.
· The name, in full, of the individual attributing their name to the letter
· The job position/title of this individual
· The name of the organisation/institution
At the time of writing, 35 organisations have added their name to it, including WCVA and C3SC.