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A ‘Theory of Change’ Approach to Evaluation

How developing a theory of change can support your organisation to measure and evaluate impact

09 May 2019, Cardiff

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To help you better understand the Theory of Change approach to evaluation and to apply the Theory of Change approach to your own purposes.


The theory of change approach is a way of planning the outcomes of a project – but it can also be used to evaluate its impact. A robust evaluation framework is key to improving on your work, as well as to display its worth to funders, and the theory of change approach is the perfect way to do this.

The course begins with a plain-English explanation of some important terms used in evaluation, of different approaches to evaluation and what they aim to achieve.

The course then explores the characteristics of the Theory of Change approach through a mix of presentation, discussion, practical examples and some (not too serious) exercises. This demonstrates the key principles behind a theory of change approach, identifies its key strengths, and considers the various ways a Theory of Change can be represented.

The core of the course is an extended practical exercise, interspersed with information inputs and discussion to help you plan and develop a Theory of Change for a piece of work you’re involved in. This aims to embed the theoretical knowledge, give you confidence in using the Theory of Change approach and equip you with the basis of a plan you may wish to use in future.

The final part of the course deals with the questions “what can you measure”? And, “how can you measure it”? You’ll be sharing your experience of various tools and techniques for gathering information and producing robust findings.

Learning outcomes

By taking part in the course you will:

  • Achieve a better understanding of key terminology used in evaluation, and of some important approaches to evaluation and what you aim to achieve.
  • Better understand the unique characteristics of the Theory of Change approach, its key strengths, and how it might be applied to your own work.
  • Learn skills and feel confident you can plan and implement a Theory of Change approach in your own work.
  • Learn about some useful ways of gathering information that can be used to produce robust findings in a Theory of Change evaluation.

Who the course is for

This course is suitable for anyone who is interested in developing a theory of change approach within their organisation, or who wants to find out how to improve their organisation’s impact and evaluation practice more generally.


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Defnyddio ‘Theori Newid’ i Werthuso

Sut y gall datblygu theori newid gynorthwyo’ch mudiad i fesur a gwerthuso effaith

09 Mai 2019, Caerdydd

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Eich helpu i ddeall yn well sut y gellir defnyddio Theori Newid i werthuso a’ch helpu i ddefnyddio Theori Newid at eich dibenion eich hun.


Ffordd o gynllunio canlyniadau prosiect yw theori newid – ond gellir hefyd ei defnyddio i werthuso ei effaith. Mae fframwaith gwerthuso cadarn yn allweddol i wella’ch gwaith, yn ogystal ag i ddangos ei werth i gyllidwyr, a theori newid yw’r ffordd berffaith o wneud hynny.

Mae’r cwrs hwn yn dechrau gan egluro, mewn iaith syml, rai termau pwysig a ddefnyddir wrth werthuso, dulliau gwerthuso gwahanol a’r hyn maent yn anelu at eu cyflawni.

Mae’r cwrs wedyn yn ystyried nodweddion Theori Newid drwy gyfuniad o gyflwyniad, trafodaeth, enghreifftiau ymarferol ac ambell i ymarfer ysgafn. Bydd yn dangos yr egwyddorion allweddol y tu ôl i theori newid, yn nodi ei phrif gryfderau, ac yn ystyried y ffordd amrywiol o ddarlunio Theori Newid.

Craidd y cwrs hwn yw ymarfer estynedig, ynghyd â phytiau o wybodaeth a thrafodaeth i’ch helpu i gynllunio a datblygu Theori Newid ar gyfer darn o waith yr ydych yn rhan ohono. Nod hyn yw ymwreiddio’r wybodaeth ddamcaniaethol, rhoi’r hyder i chi ddefnyddio Theori Newid a rhoi sail cynllun i chi ei ddefnyddio yn y dyfodol.

Mae’r rhan olaf o’r cwrs yn ystyried y cwestiynau “beth allwch ei fesur?” A, “sut allwch ei fesur?” Byddwch yn rhannu’ch profiad o offer a thechnegau amrywiol i gasglu gwybodaeth a chynhyrchu canfyddiadau cadarn.

Canlyniadau dysgu

Trwy gymryd rhan yn y cwrs byddwch yn:

  • Ennill dealltwriaeth well o derminoleg allweddol a ddefnyddir wrth werthuso, ac o ddulliau gwerthuso pwysig a’r hyn yr ydych yn anelu at ei gyflawni.
  • Deall nodweddion unigryw Theori Newid yn well, ei chryfderau allweddol, a sut y gellid ei defnyddio yn eich gwaith chi.
  • Dysgu sgiliau ac yn teimlo’n hyderus i fynd ati i gynllunio a gweithredu Theori Newid yn eich gwaith chi.
  • Dysgu am ffyrdd defnyddiol o gasglu gwybodaeth y gellir ei defnyddio i gynhyrchu canfyddiadau cadarn mewn gwerthusiad sydd wedi’i seilio ar Theori Newid.

Ar gyfer pwy mae’r cwrs

Mae’r cwrs hwn yn addas i unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb mewn datblygu theori newid yn eu mudiad, neu sydd am ddarganfod sut i wella arferion eu mudiad o ran effaith a gwerthuso yn fwy cyffredinol.


Cadw lle arlein







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