The Care Council for Wales is working with partners to develop a national learning and development plan to support the full implementation of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act. This initiative is funded by the Welsh Government with the aim of ensuring that the workforce is supported and informed to deliver social services in accordance with Welsh law and to practice in line with the principles of the Act. It is being project managed by Sheila Lyons, Workforce Development Manager, on behalf of the Care Council.
YOUR HELP IS NEEDED to create a rich range of relevant workforce resources all in one place. The Getting in on the Act Information and Learning Hub is being developed as a one stop shop which, over time, will include training materials in different formats to help social care professionals implement the Act in their day-to-day work. As part of this The Care Council for Wales is inviting partner organisations to submit examples of existing learning materials which they would be willing to share with colleagues in other agencies via inclusion on the Hub.
The Care Council for Wales knows there is a great deal of expertise out there and that colleagues already have resources which would help others to work towards implementation of the Act. They don’t want to replicate work which has already been done and would very much appreciate your contributions.
Brian Paget, Care Council Associate, has been commissioned to collate this material on behalf of a small editorial group. To get in touch with Brian and to request an information sheet giving more details, please email or call him on 07931 442463.
The source of all contributions will, of course, be acknowledged on the Hub.