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Small grants available for community groups to tackle loneliness amongst older veterans – Closing date 26 October 2020

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Age Cymru wish to invite community groups to bid for grants of up to £1,000 to help tackle isolation and loneliness locally amongst military veterans, or unpaid carers of military veterans aged 50 plus.

The grant programme, funded by the Welsh Government, is quite flexible and can be used to fund one off events or a programme of activities, online or offline, anything that the group believes will support veterans or their unpaid carers. All activities would need to adhere to the current coronavirus guidance and restrictions.

The activities need to take place between 1 November 2020 and 31 March 2021.

Applicants do not need to be registered charities but they will be expected to have formal structures in place and a bank account. Joint applications between groups are also encouraged.

There are 210,000 veterans in Wales, half of whom are over 75 years of age while an estimated third have caring responsibilities. Our research shows that loneliness and isolation is widespread amongst veterans, a situation made worse by the current pandemic.

The deadline for submitting an application is 5pm Monday 26 October 2020.

For more information and to apply online visit:

Tags: community, Funding, Welsh Government
Small grants available for community groups to tackle loneliness amongst older veterans – Closing date 26 October 2020

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