2nd February 2021Family Court Companion Project UpdateA message from CAIS FCC Contact Form On behalf of Family Court Companion Project to let you know that after…
29th January 2021Valuing Voices in Wales: Protecting Rights Through the Pandemic and BeyondValuing Voices in Wales: Protecting Rights Through the Pandemic and Beyond – Wales Wide Report This report brings together findings…
21st January 2021SURE for Mental Health Funded TrainingThe SURE for Mental Health Community Project is focused on delivering funded mental health training throughout Wales, please see the…
15th January 2021Befriending scheme!Cardiff Council provide befriending/wellbeing calls that can help ‘shielded’ individuals and vulnerable members of our community who are most at…
12th January 2021The Future of Unpaid Carers- get your voice heard!Project leads Dr Dan Burrow and Dr Jen Lyttleton-Smith are carrying out research on behalf of Public Health Wales to…
7th January 2021Apply for a Primary School place- Deadline Monday 11th January 2021Apply for a Primary School place Primary applications open You will be able to apply online for a Primary school…
21st December 2020Cardiff Christmas and New Year 2020This short directory provides information about third sector services, which are running between Christmas and New Year 2020. Further updates…
21st December 2020South Glamorgan Community Health Council (CHC) consultationsThe South Glamorgan Community Health Council (CHC) are currently seeking views on the NHS Care during Coronavirus Emergency, access to…
17th December 2020Platfform for FamiliesThis programme is to support parents/carers and siblings of a child with mental health challenges living in Cardiff or the…
17th December 2020Carers Emergency GrantsCarers Emergency Grants On Tuesday 20 October 2020 Welsh Government announced a £1m package to support unpaid carers in Wales.…
Social Care Wales event ‘Your Wellbeing Matters: Supporting our social care, early year and childcare workforce’15th September 2022