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Carers Emergency Grants

On Tuesday 20 October 2020 Welsh Government announced a £1m package to support unpaid carers in Wales. Carers Trust South East Wales (CTSEW) has been allocated £226,000 of this to be distributed directly to unpaid carers via an emergency grants scheme.

On Friday 27 November 2020, Carers Trust South East Wales launched the new Carers Emergency Grants scheme for unpaid carers. Carers can apply for a grant of up to £300 to address immediate, winter pressures and emergency needs caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

Please note, this fund has been established to provide support for unpaid carers supporting someone living in one of the following Local Authority areas: Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire, Newport, Torfaen, Bridgend, Cardiff, The Vale of Glamorgan, RCT or Merthyr.

Funds are limited and Carers Trust South East Wales reserve the right to award, partially award or decline applications. Carers Trust South East Wales’ decision is final.

The grants will be administered in four rounds:

Round: 1

  • Start date: 9:00 am 27/11/2020
  • End date: 5:00 pm 14/12/2020
  • Grant outcome to carers: 17/12/2020
  • Expected date funds will reach carers: 21/12/2020

Round: 2

  • Start date: 9:00 am 01/01/2021
  • End date: 5:00 pm 18/01/2021
  • Grant outcome to carers: 21/01/2021
  • Expected date funds will reach carers: 25/01/2021

Round: 3

  • Start date: 9:00 am 01/02/2021
  • End date: 5:00 pm 19/02/2021
  • Grant outcome to carers: 24/02/2021
  • Expected date funds will reach carers: 26/02/2021

Round: 4

  • Start date: 9:00 am 01/03/2021
  • End date: 5:00 pm 19/03/2021
  • Grant outcome to carers: 24/03/2021
  • Expected date funds will reach carers: 26/03/2021

Examples of eligible items and activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Purchase of household items e.g. washing machine, bed or fridge etc.
  • Assistance with the purchase of food
  • Purchase of technology e.g. laptop, mobile phones, tablets or data
  • Entertainment subscriptions e.g. Audible, Amazon Prime, gaming, Netflix etc.

All goods and services must be able to be purchased via a voucher or store credit scheme. Carers Trust South East Wales and Welsh Government reserve the right to request receipts for the item that has been purchased.

Online application forms can be found here

If carers/professionals need a hard copy of the application form, please email

Please note: The scheme is specifically for unpaid carers. Awards will be made based on the applicants level of need.

Tags: Cardiff,, COVID-19, Health and Wellbeing, support
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