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The Cardiff and Vale Regional Safeguarding Board updates!

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  • The Cardiff and Vale Regional Safeguarding Board meeting in October 2020 approved the Safeguarding Allegations/Concerns about Practitioners and Those in a Position of Trust Protocol. A 7 minute briefing has been produced to accompany it; 7 minute briefing Safeguarding Allegations.pdf.


The Cardiff & Vale of Glamorgan Safeguarding Boards’ Quality Assurance Sub Group are interested in receiving feedback from practitioners and staff across all agencies, the 3rd sector and voluntary organisations to establish how widely known the WSP app and existence of the procedures is, including the usability of the app.

We would encourage as many people as possible to  spend a few minutes of their time to complete the following survey:


Your feedback will then be shared with the C&V Regional Safeguarding Boards’ Quality Assurance Sub Group who are interested in receiving your views.

It is acknowledged that there is still more work yet to do to ensure practitioners are fully briefed about using the WSP.  This work is in progress and will be informed by the collated responses we receive from the survey.

CV RSB Safeguarding Allegations and Concerns.pdf

Tags: Network for Wales, safeguarding
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