3rd December 2024Drop-In Sessions Set to Begin for the NHS Wales App Volunteer SchemeWe are excited to provide a update on our ongoing volunteer scheme, which is being piloted in partnership with the…
23rd October 2024Progress on the NHS Wales App – Webinar on November 22ndDSPP: Progress on the NHS Wales App – November 22nd at 11am DSPP will be holding their next E-update session…
8th November 2023DSPP Webinar – Progress on the NHS Wales App – Dec 5th at 4pmCofrestrwch ar gyfer y digwyddiad yma // Register for the event at: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/7d9e8583-43ac-4c7c-8d21-9419bdc116a8@bb5628b8-e328-4082-a856-433c9edc8fae DSPP – Cynnydd ar App GIG Cymru…
20th July 2023Progress on the NHS Wales App – July 28th at 11amDSPP (Digital Services for Patients and Public) – Progress on the NHS Wales App E-update session July 28th at 11am…