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Care Inspectorate Wales Annual Report 2021-2022

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Adroddiad blynyddol AGC 2021–2022

ci annual report cy

Rydym wedi cyhoeddi adroddiad blynyddol ein Prif Arolygydd ar gyfer 2021-22, sy’n disgrifio pryder parhaus ynghylch y cynnydd sylweddol yn y galw ar draws y sector gofal cymdeithasol.

Mae’r ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf wedi bod yn gyfnod hynod o anodd i lawer, meddai’r Prif Arolygydd Gillian Baranski.

Canmolodd y Prif Arolygydd “sgil a dycnwch anhygoel” y gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol a gofal plant a chwarae, sy’n gweithio’n ddiflino wrth iddynt wynebu heriau a gafodd eu gwaethygu gan y pandemig.

Ond, rhybuddiodd, mae pwysau presennol yn y system, ynghyd â’r argyfwng costau byw, yn bygwth dadwneud y gwaith da a welwyd yn ystod y pandemig pan oedd ymdeimlad gwirioneddol o asiantaethau’n cydweithio mewn partneriaeth i gefnogi pobl.

“Diolch byth, mae enghreifftiau o ofal gwael yn brin, ac mae ein harolygwyr yn aml yn canfod staff tosturiol ac ymroddedig, sy’n benderfynol o ddarparu’r lefelau uchaf o ofal i’r bobl y maent yn gofalu amdanynt.” meddai’r Prif Arolygydd.

Er mwyn darllen yr adroddiad llawn, ewch i

CIW Annual report 2021-2022

ci annual report en

We have published our Chief Inspector’s annual report for 2021-22, which describes continued concern at the significant increase in demand across the social care sector.

The past two years have been an incredibly difficult time for many, said Chief Inspector Gillian Baranski.

The Chief Inspector praised the “incredible skill and tenacity” of the social care and childcare and play workforce, who work tirelessly as they face challenges which the pandemic exacerbated.

But, she warned, current pressures in the system, along with the cost-of-living crisis, threaten to undo the good work seen during the pandemic when there was a real sense of agencies pulling together in partnership to support people.

“Examples of poor care are thankfully rare, and our inspectors commonly find compassionate and dedicated staff, determined to deliver the highest levels of care to the people they care for,” said the Chief Inspector.

To read the full report visit

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