Platfform & Barod deliver the Welsh Governments, ESF funded Out of Work Peer Mentoring Service across Cardiff & The Vale, RCT and Merthyr Tydfil. Although this is an into employment service we understand that people’s journeys towards this goal are not simple or quick. Our service only works with those people that have a history of substance misuse or mental ill health and our staff are all “Peers” with lived experience.
We have continued to deliver during the current pandemic and have continued to receive referrals; but we are always looking to develop our referral pathways and increase the number of people receiving our help. Attached are copies of our project publicity materials and referral documents; We would urge you to take the couple of minutes to open them and have a look; consider anyone you may be working with that could benefit and also consider where else you could share these documents within your own networks.
Project contact details are contained within the publicity materials; but if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact [email protected]