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Cross Party Group on FE and Future Skills: Race Equality and Further Education

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ColegauCymru is pleased to invite you to a meeting of the Senedd Cross Party Group on Further Education and Skills, chaired by John Griffiths MS.The event will take place online on 8 December 2021 from 9.30am.Following the planned launch of the ColegauCymru partnership with the Black FE Leadership Group (BFELG) on 1 December 2021, a discussion of the topic and the actions we can all take to ensure an anti-racist Wales in more detail.

  • Robin Landman, Executive Member of the Black FE Leadership Group, will talk about the work of the Group and notable achievements to date.
  • Kathryn Robson, Chief Executive, Adult Learning Wales, will discuss the work they have undertaken on anti-racism in adult community learning.
  • Mike James, CEO, Cardiff and Vale College, will focus on CAVC’s approach to increasing diversity and challenging racism.

To register your place, please click here.

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