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Cardiff Bay Warriors – Cardiff Youth Led Grant 2022/23 Case Study

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YLG funding has been the driving force behind Cardiff Bay Warriors’ journey to empower young minds with media skills and break down the barriers that once hindered their progress. Before receiving YLG support, the organisation faced the daunting challenge of inadequate resources to create essential content for their team and community. With YLG’s backing, they were able to provide the necessary equipment and training to their dedicated volunteers, opening new horizons for creative expression. The impact was profound, with short-term outcomes including access to vital equipment and immediate skill development.

Over the long term, their aim is to extend these benefits to anyone in the community interested in mastering media skills. YLG funding not only paved the way for the acquisition of media expertise but also generated incredible opportunities. One of their volunteers seized a role with the Welsh FA’s Redwall media platform, showcasing the transformational power of YLG support. Additionally, their outstanding achievements in the Somali British Champions League led to recognition on BBC Sports, reaffirming Cardiff Bay Warriors’ commitment to creating opportunities and fostering growth through this project.

Report by Harshdeep Kaur

Tags: Cardiff Bay Warriors, Cardiff Youth Led Grant
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