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Cardiff and Vale Good Food and Movement framework 2024-2030 published

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Good Food and Movement Framework (2024-2030)
Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan’s Good Food and Movement Framework has been launched, shaped by feedback from the Move More, Eat Well workshops held earlier this year. This revised plan prioritises collective efforts to drive action in communities, schools, workplaces, and the environment over the next six years.
Key points include:
  • Evolution of Move More, Eat Well: Reflecting a shared vision to create environments that support good food and movement for everyone.
  • Collaborative Action: Implementation Plans will be developed every two years to enable and drive change.
  • Whole-System Approach: Working together to influence factors that shape people’s lives across Cardiff and the Vale.
For more information refer to the attached flyer here.
Tags: Cardiff,, Good Food and Movement, Workshop
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