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The Training Ground – Cardiff Youth Led Grant 2022/23 Case Study

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According to Wales Online, The Training Ground (TTG) – one of the Youth Led Grant’s beneficiaries – is creating a stir in the local coffee scene in Grangetown. A youth-led café that ‘outshines the offerings of the global chains.’

TTG’s application set out how they planned to use the Youth-led Grant to provide opportunities to their volunteers to develop the TTG project, using coffee as a medium to create opportunities for local youth.  TTG offers comprehensive training for young people in the community who otherwise have more difficulty accessing employment, focusing on their volunteers – they told us ‘Every volunteer comes with a talent they can offer their community, to create a better place to live, work and socialise in.’

The Training Ground
The Training Ground

Report by Jien Teh

Tags: Cardiff Youth Led Grant, The Training Ground
Lioness Community Projects – Cardiff Youth Led Grant 2022/23 Case Study
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