C3SC Networks

Cardiff Third Sector Council networks offer you the opportunity to meet with people who have similar goals, aspirations, and concerns. You can join as many networks as you like and membership is free. One of the benefits of becoming a member of the network is that you also become a member of C3SC.

When You Become A Member Of A Network, You Will:

  • 1. Access relevant information

    The network will keep you up to date with news and information relevant to your field of work. So, for example, if you want to engage in community safety initiatives, we’d encourage you to join the Cardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network; if you want to be kept informed about the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board’s work, Cardiff Health and Social Care Network is for you. Whatever your area of interest, these networks are here to equip you and keep you informed.

  • 2. Enjoy networking opportunities

    Do you want to find out how your work fits into ‘the bigger picture’ and who else in Cardiff is delivering similar services to you? C3SC network events provide a great opportunity to meet and share ideas with other members of the network. The events put you in touch with the people you need to talk to.

  • 3. Maximise your influence and have your voice heard

    C3SC gathers the opinions and experiences of the third sector through many different means: from our network events to providing third sector representation to statutory meetings. This allows C3SC to ensure that the third sector’s voice is represented at strategic and planning meetings. The networks allow you, as part of the third sector, to have your say on important issues that affect you and your area of interest.

Terms of Reference

We have consulted with our networks to develop Terms of Reference, which are set out below. The networks are committed to:

  • Recruiting members to the network so that it represents a broad cross-section of groups and organisations in the City, in order to reflect its diversity.
  • Finding out about the work of other third sector organisations in Cardiff, sharing information and best practice, and exchanging ideas with colleagues both within and across sectors.
  • Developing an annual plan of priorities on which to campaign and influence the development of better services, identify and address gaps in services and take forward opportunities for joint working and to influence local, national and regional policy.
  • Enhancing local policy-making as part of a collective voice for the third sector in Cardiff.
  • Considering reports and other data in order to create a robust evidence base to influence local policy-making.
  • Considering the issues for third sector organisations raised by members and refer these to Cardiff Third Sector Council for action where appropriate.
  • Commissioning research as appropriate to develop sector-wide or organisational responses to service priorities and social policy.

Take a look at our list of networks

Select the ‘Networks’ to see which ones fit your work best. You can join as many networks as you like, signing up is easy and membership is free.

Cardiff Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Network

Established in 1999, the Cardiff Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Network is a collective group of over 400 members who work in health, social care and wellbeing in Cardiff.
CCYPFN c3sc Cardiff Children Young People and Families Network

Starting Well Network

The Starting Well Network (Formerly the Cardiff Children, Young People and Families Network) is a network of nearly 400 members of third sector organisations and community groups who work to benefit and improve the well-being of children, young people, their families and carers in Cardiff.

Cardiff Safer, Cohesive, and More Equal Communities Network

Are you a volunteer or paid worker managing, supporting or providing activities based around community safety? If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, then membership of the Cardiff Safer, Cohesive, and More Equal Communities Network is for you.

Cardiff Volunteer Coordinators' Network

The Cardiff Volunteer Coordinators’ Network (Volunteer Recruitment and Management) is a Participation and Engagement initiative by C3SC as part of its commitment to the development and support of the volunteering infrastructure in Cardiff and its role within Third Sector Support Wales.

Cardiff Trustees' Network

The Cardiff Trustees’ Network has been created to support individuals who are members of the Board of a third sector organisation. Its aim is to give trustees the knowledge and skills to be able to carry out their role effectively.

Cardiff Working in the Middle Group

The Cardiff Working in the Middle Group is a forum representing placed and interest based middle size third sector organisations which aim to work together towards the vision of an independent, strong and values driven Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in Cardiff that grows sustainably, engages constructively and positively with peers and the Statutory Sector, and provides effective influence.

C3SC Members' Forum

As part of our Network Review, we have relaunched the C3SC Members’ Forum – this Network will now respond to emerging issues raised by our members that do not necessarily fit within the existing network meetings.

To discuss any of these networks above and or other networks ideas for Cardiff, please contact: Anna Ros-Woudstra, by emailing [email protected] or calling her on 07973 725 334.

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