Cardiff Health & Social Care NetworkNews

Invitation for expressions of interest to join the Innovation and Transformation Forum

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Cardiff Adult Services is establishing an Innovation and Transformation Forum (formerly referred to as a Section 16 Forum).

This follows on from recent engagement with Section 16 service providers, unpaid carer representatives and service users.

To help develop the Forum and ensure that section 16 service providers are actively engaged in shaping how the forum develops, Adult Services, in partnership with C3SC is seeking to “appoint” Sector Champions to represent Section 16 Service Providers from the Third and Voluntary Sector for the following cohorts of services:

  • Services for Adults with a Learning Disability
  • Services for Older People
  • Services for Adults with Mental Health and Substance Misuse issues

The “Sector Champions” will support the planning of the Forum moving forward. The Forum will support the involvement of up to 3 Voluntary Sector Champions from each cohort of services to be involved in planning events from the outset, and the workshops will provide opportunities for all section 16 service providers to be involved.

For more information about the Forum and the process of appointing Sector Champions please refer to the document: Cardiff Adult Service s16 Provider Representative for Forum Final.pdf, which includes the “Sector Champions” role and the Terms of Reference for the Forum . If interested please follow the link to complete your expression of interest Adult Services Innovation & Transformation Forum “Sector Champions” – EOI form


Please note that the closing date for submission of expressions of interest is Friday 7th June 2024


If you have any queries about this process please respond to FAO Anna Ros-Woudstra

Tags: Adult Services, Forum, Innovation and Transformation Forum, Section 16
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