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Interesting speakers and lively debates at the Cardiff and Vale Long Term Conditions Alliance meeting

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The most recent meeting of the Cardiff & Vale Long Term Conditions Alliance was held on the 9th September with a range of very interesting speakers and lively debates. Attendees at the Long Term Conditions Alliance meeting in September 2015

Topics included:

  • Changes in organ donation legislation – presentation by Welsh Government
  • Making Every Contact Count (MECC) – training information
  • An update on the work around increasing the up-take of the flu vaccination for over 65s and people living with a long term health condition.
  • A presentation by Anne Wei on the Strategic Framework – Working with the Third Sector

It was great to hear how some of the workshops and discussions at previous meetings had started to have a positive impact.

As it was mentioned in the last bulletin, it was decided to give Vision 21 the opportunity to provide the catering, which was excellent.

Mentoring ‘Back to Basics’ free workshops
Funding workshops in October

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