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Increasing Diversity in the Workplace – 9 June 2021, 10.30 am to 12 pm

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Speakers include:

Humie Webbe: National Training Federation for Wales Work-based Learning Strategic Equality and Diversity Lead

Using Welsh Government data and apprenticeships case studies, Humie will outline the challenges in attracting diverse learners and how under underrepresentation is being addressed.

Deana Devine: Quality Coordinator for Skillnet

Deana will outline how Skillnet introduced EDI groups – Disability/Women in Industry/Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic/LGBT+/Female mentoring, and introduce a female Heavy Motor Vehicle Apprentice, who will talk about her experience as an apprentice.

Ali Abdi, Lead Co-ordinator, and Nirushan Sudarsan, Project Coordinator , Citizens Cymru Wales and the Butetown Employment Action Team (BEAT)

Ali and Nirushan will cover how they have worked with businesses major employers such as Ikea, ITV Wales, Careers Wales, and Welsh Parliament to tackle unemployment through the Community Jobs Compact. to combat poverty, unemployment and under-representation in the workforce.

There will be a chance at the end of this event to ask questions to the panel, and attendees will be provided with a delegates toolkit post event.

To register for the event please click here.


Tags: Diversity, Workplace
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