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Disability Wales’ annual conference 2019, ‘Right here’

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Disability Wales’ annual conference 2019, ‘Right here’

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Disability Wales’ annual conference 2019, ‘Right here‘, will look at the importance of people with a learning disability of all ages being seen, heard, included and valued in all walks of life. Like at school, college, work, home, community, arts, leisure and positions of authority and expertise.

Being seen, heard, included and valued helps:

  • reduce stigma and discrimination against people with a learning disability
  • give people power and control in their own lives
  • people’s well-being

Making a Wales where people with a learning disability are seen, heard, included and valued is important for everyone as it:

  • makes the most of people’s skills, knowledge and talents
  • helps services provide the right services and support
  • contributes to community cohesion and economic development

The conference:

Newport, 6 November 2019: Book your place now

Presentations from:

  • Wales Youth Parliament
  • Cllr Sara Pickard
  • Joe Powell, All Wales People First
  • Gig Buddies
  • Engage to Change

Once again they are holding a Photography Competition alongside our annual conference. 

Epitome Consultancy and Training.
HCAW Application

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