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Complete Age Cymru’s Community Calculator

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How age friendly is my community?

The things that make somewhere a good place to live and work can change as we get older.
Many of us remain active into older age, while some of us experience isolation, loneliness, money worries or poor
health. Poor neighbourhood design and / or a lack of services can lead to older people being cut off within communities. It is vital that the needs of older people are considered to ensure we all have the opportunity to achieve the best health, wellbeing and quality of life that we are able.
 Tell us how age friendly you think your community is.
 Score each element out of ten. The higher the score the closer your community is to being suitable for all ages.
The lower, the more work needed to make it age friendly.
 Define community in terms of what it means to you – your village, suburb, town or city.


Access the online survey here:



Age Alliance Wales surveys – Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014
Application Form Guidance

Join Our Community

C3SC’s Community Platform is a free virtual social network for residents of Cardiff to follow discussions on various social and or business topics, get support to run or start a project, Community Interest group or charity, find funding, share documents and photos, follow and meet new friends, find jobs and volunteering opportunities, find, rate and provide your feedback to us and other organisations.

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C3SC’s Community Platform is a free virtual social network for residents of Cardiff. Register now to share your views, contribute to your community and provide your feedback to us and other organisations.

Please note that C3SC cannot take responsibility for the information other organisations produce, for example, in their resources, and on their websites. The views of other organisations are not necessarily the views of C3SC.

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