
Cardiff Children, Young People and Families Network (5)

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The Cardiff Children, Young People and Families Network (CCYPFN) is a network of nearly 400 members of third sector organisations and community groups who work to benefit and improve the well-being of children, young people, their families and carers in Cardiff.

The network co-ordinates and maintains communication channels between the third and statutory sectors, supporting third sector representatives to various strategic groups across Cardiff.


The CCYPFN provides members with the opportunity to:
•    find out more about the work of other third sector organisations in Cardiff;
•    share information and best practice, and exchange ideas with colleagues both within and across sectors;
•    be part of a collective voice for the third sector in Cardiff;
•    campaign for better services and influence local, national and regional policy and strategies;
•    raise issues and identify gaps in service delivery.


Free membership

Membership is free and opened to members of C3SC working with children, young people (aged 0-25), their families and carers in Cardiff. This can include national or regional third sector organisations’ local projects or offices if they are based in Cardiff.


Network eventsbaltichouse

The next network meeting for 2017/18 will be:

  • Wednesday 28th March 2018, 10am to 12pm

Conference Room, C3SC, Third Floor, Baltic House, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff, CF10 5FH

Booking: Members of the network wishing to attend, please email (Subject: CCYPFN) or phone 02920 485722.

Agenda: The papers for the network meeting on the 17th January can be found here.



Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Do you have a question for Cardiff Council?
City of Cardiff Council scrutiny seeks to ensure the voice and concerns of the public influence policy and service improvements. You can submit your question direct to Cardiff Council or by emailing C3SC’s Operations Manager Mary Duckett at 
Dates of next Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee meetings


News and other info


Useful Links

The CCYPFN has a wide variety of resources available for members to tap into. Here are some useful links you might like to look at.

To find out more:

Email Natasha Applasamy or call her on (029) 2048 5722 if you’d like to find out more about joining the network.

Cardiff City & South
Cardiff South East

Join Our Community

C3SC’s Community Platform is a free virtual social network for residents of Cardiff to follow discussions on various social and or business topics, get support to run or start a project, Community Interest group or charity, find funding, share documents and photos, follow and meet new friends, find jobs and volunteering opportunities, find, rate and provide your feedback to us and other organisations.

Join Our

noun Community 1852937

C3SC’s Community Platform is a free virtual social network for residents of Cardiff. Register now to share your views, contribute to your community and provide your feedback to us and other organisations.

Please note that C3SC cannot take responsibility for the information other organisations produce, for example, in their resources, and on their websites. The views of other organisations are not necessarily the views of C3SC.

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