18th May 2017Cardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network Meeting Minutes – 16/05/201717.05.16 SCCN Minutes.docx
20th April 2017Minutes – Cardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network meeting on Wednesday 12 April 2017Minutes – Cardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network meeting on Wednesday 12 April 2017.docx
11th January 2017Minutes – Cardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network meeting on Tuesday 6 December 2016Minutes – Cardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network meeting on Tuesday 6 December 2016.docx
21st September 2016Prevention of Terrorism and Violent Extremism presentation – Carl DaviesPrevention of Terrorism and Violent Extremism presentation.pdf
14th September 2016Minutes – Cardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network meeting on Tuesday 6 September 2016Minutes – Cardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network meeting on 6 September 2016.docx
26th August 2016Agenda – Cardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network meeting – Tuesday 6 September 2016Agenda – Cardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network meeting on 6 September 2016.docx
22nd June 2016Cardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network LinkagesCardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network Linkages.docx
22nd June 2016Minutes of meeting on 24 May 2016Cardiff Safer and Cohesive Communities Network meeting on 24 May 2016 – Minutes.docx
22nd June 2016Mapping of Cardiff Neighbourhood Partnerships Actions Relating to Safer and Cohesive CommunitiesMapping of Cardiff Neighbourhood Partnerships Actions Relating to Safer and Cohesive Communities.docx