The ‘All Our Futures’ Strategy (20-22) was developed in consultation and then adopted by Cardiff Public Services Board in June 2020. This has driven the work of the Cardiff Youth Justice Board (The Statutory Board) since the 2020 HMIP Inspection.
The core elements of the current strategy are:
- Vision statement
- Strategy: the young people; how we will work best with the children: how we will work with partners
- Making it happen
We can now build on the progress since 2020 and make the new strategy precisely focused and linked to wider developments.
In January to March 2022, the Cardiff Youth Justice Board will run a partnership consultation to distil the key priorities for 22-24. This will then also be informed by the outcomes of the expected HMIP Inspection. The final strategy will probably be launched in summer 2022.
Invitees to the consultation will include, staff, board members, organisational partners and representatives of communities of Cardiff.
They will also be securing young people’s engagement in development of the strategy
Launch: January 18th, 9am-9:45am – Launch by Paul Orders, Chief Executive of Cardiff Council and Cllr Graham Hinchey, Portfolio lead including Youth Justice services.
This will cover
- Learning from the progress so far AND sustaining the momentum
- Scoping the partnership priorities
- Youth justice services in the context of the Child Friendly City commitments (The UNCRC principles)
- 1st February, 1pm-2pm – The needs of ALL the children in contact with YJ services (this will include understanding and responding to disproportionality, cultural and gender appropriate provision)
- 7th February, 10:30am-11:30am – Reducing Risks, promoting safeguarding (This will include issues of serious youth violence and criminal exploitation)
- 18th February, 11am-12pm – End to End – prevention, engagement, transitions, resettlement (This will deal with coordination of targeted YJ work with mainstream services and with post 18 adult services)
In each case they will build from what is already happening then identify possible priorities and actions.
- Cardiff Board meeting 22nd February will review the outcomes of the workshops and review Governance processes.
- Board meeting on 8th March will review draft strategy proposals.
- Draft Strategy will be brought to Public Services Board in June 2022, considering likely HMIP outcomes, and launched subsequently.
Book into all/any of three workshops by emailing: