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Cardiff South West

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Hannah Morris – your Third Sector Development Officer for South West and city-wide portfolio: Children, young people and families

Contact me on (029) 2048 5722 or at

I am Hannah, and I am the Third Sector Development Officer for the area.  I have worked in the Third Sector for over 10 years and have experience of working with people with disabilities, young people, refugees and asylum seekers.  Cardiff is great City full of diversity, with many inspiring people and groups working hard to make a difference to their communities, and I am privileged that I can play in part in supporting them to continue and grow.


Map of Cardiff South West

Cardiff South West is made up of:









The Neighbourhood Partnership team in Cardiff produces a weekly e-briefing of news, events, services, funding opportunities. 

To subscribe, please contact Neighbourhood Partnership Officers:

Carolyn Veal-Shaw:

Alex Gray:


Your local representatives


Cardiff Council Hubs & Libraries


Third Sector Organisations in your area

To find out about other third sector organisations working across the different areas of Cardiff, please check our membership directory.


In your community

















Advice and Guidance for Groups

Information on getting started, including policy templates:


The Charity Commission

The Charity Commission website contains useful information on setting up and managing your charity, preparing your annual return, and other useful resources such as governing document templates.



Third Sector Support Wales is a network of support organisations for the third sector in Wales


Cardiff South West Action Plan

The aim of the Neighbourhood Action Plans is to coordinate evidence-based multi-agency problem solving. The Action Plans have been developed to ensure that the Partnership groups work to identify need and local solutions to improve the quality of life for citizens under the seven outcomes identified in the What Matters strategy. You can download the Cardiff South West Action Plan here.


To get in touch:

Email Hannah Morris at or call on (029) 2048 5722.

Cardiff City & South
Cardiff South East

Join Our Community

C3SC’s Community Platform is a free virtual social network for residents of Cardiff to follow discussions on various social and or business topics, get support to run or start a project, Community Interest group or charity, find funding, share documents and photos, follow and meet new friends, find jobs and volunteering opportunities, find, rate and provide your feedback to us and other organisations.

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C3SC’s Community Platform is a free virtual social network for residents of Cardiff. Register now to share your views, contribute to your community and provide your feedback to us and other organisations.

Please note that C3SC cannot take responsibility for the information other organisations produce, for example, in their resources, and on their websites. The views of other organisations are not necessarily the views of C3SC.

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