Cardiff Council is committed to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and would like to hear from Cardiff residents to help shape the Strategic Equality Plan for 2024-2028 so that the many opportunities of living in Cardiff can be enjoyed by everyone, whatever their background; where those suffering from disadvantage are supported; and where every resident is valued, and feels valued.
To help Cardiff Council achieve this, they have developed a Draft Strategic Equality Plan for 2024-28.
This Plan is arranged around five draft Equality Objectives and from these, Cardiff Council would like to know:
- What you think about the Equality Objectives;
- What you think are the most important issues that need to be addressed in order to meet those Objectives; and
- Whether you have other suggestions for improving equality, diversity and inclusion in your neighbourhood / Cardiff.
To access the survey digitally, please scan the QR code –

The consultation survey is also available in Arabic, Polish and Bengali. Paper copies will be available in Hubs and Libraries. It may be possible to deliver paper copies & freepost return envelopes to your organisation – please contact to discuss.
In addition, engagement staff may be called upon to support completion of the survey – please contact to discuss.