Cardiff Health & Social Care NetworkNews

Cardiff and Vale UHB engagement on the subject of paediatric services

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As the population of Cardiff and the Vale continues to grow, it becomes more important that the Health Board develops new models of care that are person centric and empower people to responsibly manage their own health.

Shaping Our Future Clinical Services looks to develop new service models that integrate care and deliver outcomes that are significant to the individual. The Health Board has identified several clinical pathways to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities. One of these pathways is our paediatric services.

The Health Board is undertaking an 8-week engagement on our services for babies, children, young people and families. We would like to know what’s important to people about the care young people receive and why.

We are welcoming responses from everyone, whether they have first-hand experience or have thoughts on what they would like to see in the future. If you are, or have been, a patient in our children and young person services or the parent or guardian of someone who has, we would especially like to hear from you.

When completing this survey, please think about your past experiences with our paediatric services, or what you would like to see from them.

Your feedback will help design the future of our services for children and young people. Please access the survey via this link or through the dedicated Shaping Our Future Wellbeing website page.

Please can you share this information with your networks, we welcome feedback in all formats and if individuals would prefer to provide their thoughts via telephone or email they are welcome to use our contacts details below:

Telephone – 07812495339

You can also contact your local Llais team to provide feedback and seek independent advice:

Telephone: 02920 750112

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