Participation Cymru is looking for people who use and have experience of care, childcare and social services – such as carers, parents, former professionals and members of the public – to apply to join CSSIW’s new regional forums.
What is a regional forum?
Along with CSSIW‘s existing National Advisory Board, which we worked with CSSIW to establish last year, these regional forums will bring the voice of citizens even more centrally into the work of CSSIW. They’ll help us drive improvements in care, childcare and social services.
The groups will work with the National Advisory Board to choose a name.
Why get involved?
This is your chance to tell us how to improve services you use.
Members will work with regional inspection teams to check the quality of our work and support the greater involvement of citizens in our work across Wales. They will discuss challenges facing care and social services being delivered across their region and how those challenges can be met.
How to apply
If you are interested in applying, a fact sheet, criteria for membership, a glossary and an application form can be downloaded at the bottom of this email.
If you have questions about the application process or require more information, contact
Send your final application form back to Participation Cymru, WCVA, Baltic House, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff, CF10 5FH or e-mail by Wednesday 26 August 2015.
Written, video or audio applications are welcome.