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Cardiff Youth Led Grants 2023-2024: Deadline Extended

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The Youth-Led Grant awards are small grants allocated by the youth-led grant panel, to other young people for community action projects that encourage and create opportunities for more young people to get into volunteering. A total of £6,000 is available, where each Youth-led project can be awarded a grant of up to £1,500.

Apply for 2023-2024 grants now!

Are you a young person aged 14-25 involved in social action, a volunteering project or helping your community? Have a great idea for a project but need support and money to make it a reality? Cardiff Youth Led Grants could be the solution for you!

The Youth-Led Grant awards are small grants allocated by young people to young people for community action projects that encourage more people (aged 14-25) to volunteer. Follow @CardiffYLGP on Twitter to stay updated.

The deadline for applications is Sunday 30th July 2023.

For more information and to apply, please visit:

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