Cardiff Health & Social Care NetworkNews

Unpaid Carer Training Session – Moving and Handling, 26th Sept

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The Social Care Development and Training Team have spaces available on training sessions aimed at Unpaid Carers. Details as follows

Assisting with standing, walking, and sitting, what are my options?

Tuesday, 26th September 2023 – 10:00 -12:00

  • Safer handling practices without equipment
  • Safer handling practices with equipment


Safer Use of Hoists and Slings

Tuesday, 26th September 2023 – 12:30 – 15:30

  • Safer principles of applying a patient sling and using a hoist
  • Safer use of an electric profiling bed
  • Assisting with rolling
  • Hoisting to / from chair & bed

Venue: The Manual Handling Training Room 124.

Cardiff Social Care Learning and Development Team.

City Hall.  Cardiff.  CF10 3ND


Places are limited; to book onto a session or for further advice contact:

Tina Windels

Manual Handling Adviser and Training Officer

Cardiff Social Care Training

Ffon/Tel. 02920 871111


Sept 2023 – Informal Carer Manual Handling Awareness Session.docx

Moving and Handling Sept 23 (Cym).png

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