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Reflect Community Centre – Cardiff Youth Led Grant 2022/23 Case Study

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Reflect Community Centre has been a cornerstone for community unity and positive transformation. YLG (Youth Led Grant) funding has played an essential role in their journey, driving them towards their core mission of creating a secure, inclusive, and esteemed space for the Ely community. Their tale began with a fundamental need: resources to enhance their existing initiatives. Thanks to YLG funding, they acquired tables, essential to invigorating their events and ensuring seamless operations.

These tables symbolize community resilience and determination, offering a secure and enjoyable environment for everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, from artists to bingo enthusiasts. YLG funding has empowered their young volunteers to lead, innovate, and bring their visions to life, nurturing dreams and strengthening community bonds. Reflect Community Centre is reaching new heights, transforming lives, and building a brighter future for Ely, all made possible through YLG funding.

Reflect Community Church/Centre
Reflect Community Centre

Report by Harshdeep Kaur

Tags: Cardiff Youth Led Grant, Reflect Community Centre
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