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Fighting Homelessness CIC – TSSW Impact Case Study

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Established in November 2021 and began operating in February 2022, Fighting Homelessness CIC’s main aim is to help homeless people or people at risk of homelessness overcome complex challenges in an alternative method.

Fighting Homelessness CIC (FH CIC) use 1-to-1 sessions and a unique tailor-made 10-week program to help people who are homeless or at risk of homeless overcome complex challenges, giving them a purpose to get up every morning, set goals and feel a part of something.

Robert Green at FH CIC told us:

I want FH CIC to be a national project longer term and help as many people as possible to have access to such a great service. So far FH CIC is well established in Cardiff and launching in Llandudno this year (2022). We have also had referrals from Vale of Glamorgan and interest in Newport. This was achieved through our marketing and reputation amongst sports coaches and supported accommodation providers. We have had a positive effect on homeless people working with Llamau, Salvation Army, United Welsh, Wallich, Cadwyn and more. This has taken a short time to establish due to the high level of outcomes and quality of delivery.

C3SC and The National Lottery have provided support. The National Lottery helped FH CIC with funding to pilot and point in the direction of C3SC who have helped with applying for further funding, aiming to make FH CIC sustainable.

Fighting/combat is a metaphor for life. When you are getting hit in boxing or kickboxing or being pinned down in Jiu Jitsu or wrestling, this is life. You can either give up and continue to get hit or pinned or you can fight back. Using combat sports, FH CIC gives people the perseverance to fight back life’s challenges.

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