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The Wales Violence Prevention Unit has secured funding from Public Health Wales to deliver vital domestic abuse research, in partnership with the University of Exeter. The research will investigate the experiences and behaviours of those who witness or have concerns about domestic violence and abuse and its warning signs during COVID-19.

As part of this research, the team is asking members of the Welsh public to anonymously share their experience of witnessing or having concerns about domestic abuse during the pandemic, so bystanders can be equipped with the right knowledge, skills and training necessary to safely intervene and help more people in the future.

The survey can be completed by anyone over the age of 18 who lives or works in Wales, and we have a social media campaign running over the next two weeks to encourage participation.

I have attached the campaign assets and some suggested social media messaging.

Suggested Social Media Messaging – Bystander Research Survey.

Can you help prevent domestic abuse in Wales?

Survey link:

Twitter: @WalesVPU

Facebook: WalesVPU

Instagram: @walesvpu

Tags: Domestic Abuse, Public Health
COVID-19 Related inquiries

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