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Booking Now Open! Adult Social Services Strategy Engagement event – 16 January 2020

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Booking Now Open! Adult Social Services Strategy Engagement event – 16 January 2020


Cardiff Council is developing a new Adult Social Services Strategy and they want to co-produce it with people who live across Cardiff who use or may need to use services in the future.  They have asked Cardiff Third Sector Council to arrange an initial meeting to discuss what should be included in the new strategy.  There will be opportunities following the event to provide additional information and feedback based on what you tell them on the 16 January 2020.


The event will be taking place on Thursday, 16 January 2020. 

Registration will be open from 9.30am with the event starting at 10am and finishing by 2pm. 

The event will be taking place at Insole Court, Fairwater Road, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2LN.


Food and refreshments will be provided on the day.  If you have any allergies, food intolerances or access requirements please can you include these on your booking form.   Please note that the event is primarily for service users and carers, and that pre-booking is essential to secure your place. To book, please visit Eventbrite.

If you require more information, please email

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