Diverse Cymru’s next online event will focus on:
- Transport (walking, cycling, buses, trains, taxis, and cars)
- Human Rights
- Reopening shops, cafes, restaurants and services
Tuesday 21 July 2020 – 2 pm – 4 pm
Diverse Cymru would like to know how the Coronavirus crisis has impacted on people from diverse backgrounds. As a cross-equality charity in Wales, we are looking at how the current crisis is affecting the whole range of diverse people. We are also looking at impacts on people with more than one protected characteristic. These are known as intersectional issues.
You will have a chance to share your experience or story in this event and discuss the above topics, the impacts on you and what needs to be done (solutions going forward).
We will use your experiences to develop our responses and evidence to the UK and Welsh Governments and other public sector organisations on the issues people are experiencing and what organisations need to do.
There is a maximum of 10 people per session. Zoom works better if you have a computer with internet access and a microphone. You do not need a Zoom account. You can also call into a Zoom engagement event using a telephone if you do not have a computer with internet access.
Please email me, [email protected] if you would like to book place on the focus group. We will send the meeting details and joining instructions to you shortly before the meeting.