Cardiff Health & Social Care NetworkNews

Young Wales Festival bookings now open

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Children in Wales is excited to invite all children and young people from across Wales to attend our Young Wales Festival on Saturday, 19 November 2022. We will spend the day celebrating World Children’s Day at St Fagan’s National Museum of History, from 9.30am to 4pm, focusing on the importance of amplifying the voices of children and young people on issues that matter to them.

The team at Young Wales have carefully curated a day packed full of exciting and interactive workshops, discussions and live entertainment, especially for the young people of Wales to enjoy and get involved with.

Bookings now open here.

Mae Plant yng Nghymru yn gyffrous i wahodd pob plentyn a pherson ifanc o bob rhan o Gymru i fynychu Gwyl Cymru Ifanc ar ddydd Sadwrn, 19 Tachwedd 2022. Byddwn ni’n treulio’r diwrnod yn dathlu Diwrnod Byd-eang y Plant yn Amgueddfa Cymru, Sain Ffagan o 9.30am tan 4pm, gan ganolbwyntio ar bwysigrwydd chwyddo lleisiau plant a phobl ifanc ar y materion sy’n bwysig iddyn nhw.

Mae tîm Cymru Ifanc wedi bod wrthi’n ofalus yn trefnu diwrnod yn llawn gweithdai cyffrous a rhyngweithiol, trafodaethau ac adloniant byw, yn arbennig i bobl ifanc Cymru eu mwynhau ac ymwneud â nhw.

Archebion nawr ar agor yma.

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