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Ymgynghoriad ar strategaeth y gweithlu / Consultation on the workforce strategy

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(via Social Care Wales)

Ymgynghoriad ar strategaeth y gweithlu / Consultation on the workforce strategy

Fel y byddech yn ymwybodol, mae Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru ac Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru wedi bod yn cydweithio i ddatblygu Strategaeth Gweithlu ar gyfer Iechyd a Gofal. Yn cydweithio gydag ein partneriaid, y Sefydliad Gofal Cyhoeddus, Prifysgol Oxford Brookes (IPC), rydym yn dechrau ar gyfnod ymgynghori’r ddogfen ddrafft.

Mae’r dogfennau ymgynghori bellach yn fyw a byddant tan 18 Medi 2019. Gallwch agor y ddogfen ag ymateb trwy ddilyn y ddolen hon

Defnyddiwch y botymau Tudalen Nesaf / Blaenorol i lywio drwy’r arolwg gan osgoi botymau cefn / blaen eich porwr. Ar waelod pob tudalen mae botwm ‘Arbed a Pharhau’ yn ddiweddarach ’os hoffech chi oedi. Gofynnir i chi am eich cyfeiriad e-bost i anfon dolen i gwblhau’r arolwg yn ddiweddarach. Peidiwch â chau’r porwr nes i chi wirio’ch e-bost ar gyfer y ddolen. Gallwch wneud yr arolwg ar unrhyw fath o ddyfais. Mae’n well defnyddio sgrin sy’n ddigon mawr i ddarllen y cwestiynau a rhywle lle mae eich cysylltiad rhwydwaith yn sefydlog ac yn annhebygol o gael ei ddatgysylltu (e.e. nid ar drên).

Os na allwch fynychu un o’r gweithdai ond fod gennych ddiddordeb mewn cymryd rhan yn y gwaith hwn, bydd cyfle i gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad ar y we ar 2 Medi 10.00am. Bydd y wefan yn oddeutu awr o hyd a bydd cyfle i chi roi eich mewnbwn a’ch barn. Os ydych yn ymuno un o’r gweminarau byddem yn dal i groesawu ymateb ffurfiol i’r ymgynghoriad gennych chi neu’ch sefydliad.

Mae’r dolenni canlynol yn rhoi manylion ar amseroedd, yn ogystal ag arweiniad ar y ffordd orau o gael mynediad i’r y gwe-gynhadleddau:

Unwaith eto, hoffwn ddiolch i chi o flaen llaw am gymryd rhan yn ystod y cyfnod hwn o’r gwaith. Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau am y digwyddiadau, anfonwch e-bost at [email protected].

Am unrhyw gwestiynau eraill cysylltwch â [email protected]  neu [email protected]  yn y lle cyntaf.

As you will be aware, Social Care Wales and Health Education and Improvement Wales have been working together to develop a Workforce Strategy for Health and Care.  Together with our partners, the Institute of Public Care, Oxford Brookes University (IPC) we are now entering the consultation phase of the draft document. 

The consultation documents are now live and will be until 18 September 2019. You can access the document and provide your response by following this link

Use the Next/Previous Page buttons to navigate through the survey avoiding your browser back/forward buttons.  At the bottom of each page is a ‘Save and Continue Later’ button if you would like to pause.  You will be asked for your email address to send a link to complete the survey at a later date. Do not close the browser until you have checked your email for the link.  You can do the survey on any type of device. It’s best to use a screen large enough to comfortably read the questions and somewhere where your network connection stable and not likely to be disconnected (e.g. not on a train).

There will be an opportunity to take part in a webinar event on 2 September 10.00am. The webinar will be approximately one hour in duration and there will be an opportunity for you to provide your input and views. If you do access one of the webinars we would still welcome a formal response to the consultation from you or your organisation.

The following links provides details on the times of the webinars and also guidance on how best to access the webinar:

Once again, can I thank you in anticipation of your involvement in this phase of work. If you have any queries about the webinars, please email [email protected].

For any other questions please contact [email protected]or[email protected]in the first instance

EYST forum for parents/carers with children at school – 10-11.30am Wednesday 4th September 2019
Adult Learning Conference – developing a right to lifelong learning

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