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Welsh Government: Consultation on Health Impact Assessments

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The Welsh Government is consulting on proposals to mandate the use of Health Impact Assessments in Wales. The consultation is open until the 27th March. For full information on the proposals and how to register a response follow this link:

By way of summary this is the overview in the introduction to the proposals that explains the rationale behind the consultation:

To address the wider determinants of health, the Welsh Government has had a longstanding commitment to a health in all policies approach. To support this approach, the Welsh Government has championed embedding the use of Health Impact Assessments (HIA) and made provision for HIAs in the Public Health (Wales) Act 2017. This consultation asks respondents to consider draft regulations mandating the use of HIAs for specific public bodies in Wales, with an overall aim to reduce health inequity for the population.
Tags: consultation, Health, Welsh Government
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