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Tiger Bay ABC – Cardiff Youth Led Grant 2022/23 Case Study

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Tiger Bay ABC is making remarkable strides in breaking down barriers to volunteering and expanding their community impact. With the support of YLG funding, they aim to provide young individuals in the community of Butetown with affordable fitness and leadership opportunities. Their success in overcoming challenges is evident through the increase in both the number and diversity of volunteers, as well as the heightened engagement of young people in volunteering.

Notably, an additional £150 was recently allocated to volunteers, demonstrating the organisation’s commitment to their invaluable contributions. While the organisation has made substantial progress, they acknowledge the need for more resources and support to sustain and expand their initiatives. In the words of Pedro, a youth trainee, “Tiger Bay ABC is the best place to train. It’s a strong community that treats you like family, and everyone is very welcoming.” Their commitment to creating a supportive and welcoming environment is a testament to their enduring impact on the community.


Report by Harshdeep Kaur

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