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Take Five to Age Well: Empowering the UK towards longer, healthier lives

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Take Five to Age Well offers simple steps to a longer, healthier life.

Launching on 1 September 2023, the campaign invites you to join a UK-wide community making small changes in your daily routine for better ageing. You are committing to choose and keep up these healthy change(s) for one month.

Developed by The Open University, this expert-led pledge includes everyday actions to help you live well for longer.

Why sign up to Take Five to Age Well?

Most people want more time on Earth in good health and research tells us there are lots of easy habits that can help you to stay strong, sharp, independent, and feeling good; we know that 70-80% of ageing rate is determined by environmental factors. Take Five to Age Well will empower you to adopt small changes throughout September that will genuinely impact your health and well-being. There are 5 areas where you can choose new habits:

  • Eat: healthy eating can boost your health
  • Drink: staying hydrated as well as the quality of what you drink are key to healthy ageing
  • Move: exercise boosts body and mind
  • Engage and Connect: making and maintaining social connections for your health
  • Think: use your brain to stay sharp
Join us this September: Sign up today!

Social Media campaign

If you want to help the campaign and post something on social media please use the posters and images below and tag @OpenUniversity if possible.


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Tags: Health, Health and Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, Open University, Third Sector
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