6th March 2024Business in the Community Let’s Care Together – Wellbeing support for unpaid carersOur members Simplyhealth have identified unpaid carers as a target group for their support and as such together with Business in…
22nd February 2024Older Persons Mental Health Event on 19th MarchIn conjunction with Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Caniad is facilitating an older persons mental health event taking place…
21st February 2024Mental Health & Wellbeing Event 17th May at Cardiff City Football StadiumThe Mental Health and Wellbeing Show is taking place at Cardiff City Stadium on the 17th May (8am – 4pm)…
24th January 2024NYTH.NEST Framework National Annual ReportThe Welsh Government is committed to creating a whole system approach to mental health and wellbeing services for babies, children,…
17th January 2024Carer Me Time well-being online sessions and training for January to MarchCarers Wales has a series of free online training and well-being/information sessions coming up for carers in January to March…
16th November 2023Exhibitor Opportunity at the Mental Health and Wellbeing Show 2024The Mental Health and Wellbeing Show is taking place at Cardiff City Hall on the May 9th 2024 and potential…
8th November 2023Health and Care Research Wales bulletinThe latest Health and Care Research Wales bulletin is available and includes information on the future of palliative care research…
8th November 2023Ethnic Minority Screening Awareness sessionAimed at organisations promoting health and wellbeing within ethnic minority communities, Public Health Wales has organised an online screening awareness…
2nd October 2023The Hangout – Mental Health Support for Young PeoplePlatfform have just launched The Hangout – Mental health support for young people aged 11-18 in a non-clinical setting, whenever…
20th September 2023Wales Arts Health & Wellbeing Network Market Place 17th OctoberWAHWN (Wales Arts Health & Wellbeing Network) is the national sector support organisation for arts, health and wellbeing funded by…