Our members Simplyhealth have identified unpaid carers as a target group for their support and as such together with Business in the Community, we have co-created our Let’s Care Together Programme.
Let’s Care Together is a mentoring programme organised by Business in the Community that focusses on supporting unpaid carers with their wellbeing by connecting them with a volunteer mentor. Unpaid Carers have worse wellbeing outcomes than non-carers, and are likely to be time-poor due to their caring responsibilities. The programme aims to support carers by streamlining access to resources and providing practical support across the four pillars of wellbeing: Physical, Mental, Social and Financial. This support will include helping Carers to connect with friends and family, community groups and wider support, find wellbeing information and gain financial confidence.
Mentors will help Carers to:
- Improve their overall health and wellbeing;
- Increase their Social Wellbeing by increasing feelings of connectedness, and looking to establish community links;
- Increased feelings of financial independence and access to financial tools;
- Improved access to support for physical wellbeing, as well as tools and practical support;
- Support with mental wellbeing by reducing feelings of isolation.
The programme works by mobilising employees of Business in the Community member businesses who volunteer to become trained mentors and offer a minimum of six one-to-one mentoring sessions.
For more information on how to register, follow to the link to attached flyer here.