17th April 2024A Healthier Wales PlanHealth inclusion approaches are increasingly being used in the UK to tackle health inequalities and poor health outcomes experienced by…
13th December 2023National Framework for Social Prescribing in WalesThe National Framework for Social Prescribing in Wales has now been launched and is available here.
8th November 2023Launch Event: National Framework for Social Prescribing (NFfSP) in WalesLaunch Event: National Framework for Social Prescribing (NFfSP) in Wales Following the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government commitment to…
6th September 2023Social Prescribing Event 9th OctoberCardiff and Vale Regional Innovation Co-ordination Hub (RIC Hub) are pleased to announce the next Social Prescribing Network event will take…
15th June 2023Participants sought for a study developing asocial prescribing evaluation framework and training materialsThe University of South Wales, in collaboration with the Wales School for Social Prescribing Research (WSSPR), and the Wales Council…
17th March 2023ACTIVATE – EU project promoting Social PrescribingPlease see link below for more information on ACTIVATE, an EU Project promoting social prescribing across Europe to empower adults…
8th March 2023Social Prescribing Core Competency Framework Zoom sessionHealth Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) have developed a Core Competency Framework for Social Prescribing. The Royal College of Psychiatrists…
28th September 2022National Framework for Social Prescribing Consultation workshopMiller Research has been commissioned by Welsh Government to gather and analyse feedback on the development of a national framework for…
11th August 2022Launch of the Consultation on the National Framework for Social PrescribingToday the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing launched a consultation on social prescribing, which will seek people’s views…