15th May 2024Carers Wales Roadshow in JuneCarers Wales have a Carers Roadshow, free to any unpaid carers, taking place at the Clayton Hotel in Cardiff on…
29th April 2024FREE Carer Me Time well-being online sessions and training for May & JuneCarer Wales have a calendar of free online training and well-being/information sessions coming up for carers in May and June…
24th April 2024Carers Wales Volunteer Opportunity: Become a Workplace ChampionSupport those balancing work and care in your organisation and become a Workplace Champion. Did you know that 1 in…
10th April 2024Carers Wales Active April event 26th AprilThe team at Carers Wales will be holding a walk to celebrate Active April and to give unpaid carers the…
20th March 2024Carers Wales e-bulletin | March 2024Welcome to the first Carers Wales e-bulletin of 2024. It has already been a whirlwind start to the year…
7th March 2024FREE Carer Me Time well-being online sessions and training for March & AprilCarers Wales have a calendar of free online training and well-being/information sessions coming up for carers in March and April…
6th March 2024Carers Wales Track the Act is back!Carers Wales: Track The Act is Back! Track The Act, Carers Wales monitoring and evaluation of the Social Services and…
17th January 2024Carer Me Time well-being online sessions and training for January to MarchCarers Wales has a series of free online training and well-being/information sessions coming up for carers in January to March…
10th January 2024Carers Wales Carers Assembly 19th FebruaryThe Carers Wales Carers Assembly is taking place on Monday 19th February at the Siambr Hywel, the old debating chamber,…
19th October 2023Carers Wales bulletin October 2023The Autumn 2023 Carers Wales Autumn E-Bulletin is available including information on the Carers Wales Conference on the 13th November,…