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Sexual Violence Awareness Week Event – Frontline Focus

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As part of Sexual Violence Awareness Week, New Pathways are holding a half-day event for frontline staff who work or volunteer directly with people affected by sexual violence, but who are not in the VAWDASV sector, such as health care, social care, youth work and education.

This event is for front-line practitioners who work directly with victims and survivors of sexual violence, but who aren’t directly in the VAWDASV (violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence) sector, such as education, health, youth and social services, both statutory and charitable.

As the sector is moving so quickly, we know that people may not always be aware of progressions in the sector, but, as front-line workers, are often the vital conduit of support for victims of sexual violence to come forward.

At the event, speakers will be talking about initiatives such as:

  • Better supporting victims who report to the police
  • Supporting male victims of sexual violence
  • Dealing with disclosures of sexual violence
  • Remote court evidence sites
  • Trauma stabilisation support work

The event is taking place on Wednesday 9th February, 9.30am -12.30pm.You can find out more and book here:

Tags: event, Frontline Focus, New Pathways, Sexual Violence Awareness Week, VAWDASV
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